Guillain Barré Syndrome in Second Trimester of Pregnancy and its Management with IVIG: An Experience from Eastern India

Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences,2014,4,2,992-995.
Published:May 2014
Type:Research Articles
Author(s) affiliations:

Rudrajit Paul1,* , Jayanti Roy2, RojinaChoudhury2, Babulal Daulagajao3, Amit K Banerjee4 

1Assistant Professor, 2RMO, 3Resident, 4Professor

Department of Medicine, Medical College Kolkata, 88, College Street, Kolkata- 700073, West Bengal, India.


GuillainBarré syndrome (GBS) is an autoimmune polyneuropathy with ascending flaccid paralysis. It is rare in pregnancy. We here report a case of GBS in second trimester of pregnancy in a 23 year old primigravid female from Eastern India. Diagnosis was made by electrophysiologic study. She had a rapidly progressive course and needed intravenous immunoglobulin (0.4 g/Kg/day for five days). However, she responded to the treatment and the weakness improved gradually. The foetus was normal throughout the course of treatment and there was normal vaginal delivery. The relevant literature regarding GBS in pregnancy is also discussed at length.

NCV study of the patient showing absent F waves in lower limb